Car Accident Attorney Overview

Personal Injury Lawyer Assistance in Recovering Compensation for Damages

A motor vehicle accident can be a frightening experience, and it can cause a wide variety of damages, ranging from minor scratches, bumps, or bruises to major injuries, expensive property damage, and even wrongful death. Anyone injured in a car accident should work with a skilled personal injury attorney who can help them determine their best options for seeking financial compensation from the party or parties who are liable for their damages.

Types of Car Accident Injuries

Motor vehicle collisions can cause long-lasting damage to a person’s health and well-being. Some common injuries that people experience in car accidents include:

  • Brain injuries – Injuries to the head, including concussions, skull fractures, and other types of traumatic brain injury (TBI), can have debilitating effects on a person’s cognitive abilities, motor skills, and mood. The symptoms of these types of injuries, which can include seizures, slurred speech, numbness in the limbs, nausea, or persistent headaches, often do not appear until days or weeks after the injury occurred.
  • Neck, back, and spine injuries – The stresses placed on the body during a collision can cause a victim to experience whiplash, fractured vertebrae, or herniated discs. These injuries can be incredibly painful, resulting in short or long term disability. In the worst cases, injuries to the spinal cord can cause paralysis and permanent disability.
  • Facial injuries – Injuries to the face can be caused by objects striking a person striking during a collision, and broken glass can cause deep lacerations. Serious damage to the face may require reconstructive surgery, including dental reconstruction.
  • Soft tissue injuries – It is common for people involved in accidents to experience damage to their joints, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. These injuries can take a great deal of time to fully heal, and they often require a person to undergo lengthy rehabilitation in order to regain full use of their physical abilities.
  • Psychological and emotional injuries – The trauma a person experiences during a car accident can lead to long-term psychological harm, including anxiety about driving or riding in a vehicle or depression about the difficulties caused by the injury. In some cases, people experience post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), requiring long-term psychological treatment.

The costs of these injuries can add up quickly. After a car accident, people often struggle to pay for medical treatment and ongoing rehabilitation, and their financial troubles may be compounded by the loss of income when they are unable to work or impairment to their ability to earn an income. An experienced personal injury lawyer can help recover compensation for these types of damages, making sure that costs are covered and a person’s financial needs are met. It may also be possible to recover non-economic damages for the pain and suffering experienced by a victim and their family members.

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